Tuesday 29 January 2013

My Business Cards!

Hi guys!

This is the first time that I'm posting from my phone because I'm out at the moment. So, if it looks terrible when I check then I apologise for that.

So I ordered some business cards online and they came today. :-) it's so exciting! I used the 'design your own' template so I'm really loving them.The front has my details & the back says: "to get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done." They also feel really soft & have a sheen to them, even though I just chose the standard ones.

What do you think? Is it cheesy to have a motivational quite on the back?
I would love to get some feedback about them but I love them anyway! :-)



  1. Aside from the personal details and the business logo, the concept of placing motivation quotes at the back of your business sounds new to me. We always have the choice on what to do with our business cards. It is a representation of us and the business itself, so we better make it catchy and presentable.

    -Matthew Reeves

  2. My business card doesn’t have any motivation quote, but I included in it our business goal, which is still very inspiring. Also, about the company logo, mine is plain and simple, but it will surely make you stop and think when you look at it. It’s very effective for I captured a lot of my clients because of that mindboggling logo.

    -Retta Langevin

  3. Business cards are very important for a business; this is to keep update people about your contact information, especially if they have or want to do business with you. But I must say that you have a nice card; it is very neat, informative, and simple. I think these are the three important components a business card should have for it to be effective. Also, the quotation at the back is a nice touch! It’s a good way to inspire others.

    Madeleine Truman
